
Faux Cork and Faux Woods Collection

The Warmth and Texture of Real Cork and Wood

Experience the natural balance of style and statement with light and dark cork Imported from Spain. Elegant and tastefully constructed, the Faux Cork and Faux Wood Menu Cover Collection features edges turned and glued over sturdy binder board. These covers are then lined with leatherette or an elegant moiré silk for a pleasing aesthetic. Offered in padded and non-padded versions with picture corners or top and bottom bars, the Faux Cork and Faux Wood Menu Cover Collection is available in a full cork or a cork and leather combination cover. This would be an excellent choice for outdoor use or environments exposed to moisture. 

Menu Cover Samples

Take a look at our menu cover samples below. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

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Available Menu Cover Colors and Textures

Explore our large selection of menu cover colors and textures. Reach out to place your order today.

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